Due to a loophole in English law, magic mushrooms used to available to buy from shops all along Camden High Street. I think the loophole was closed before the giant dragon appeared on the front of this restaurant, which is probably for the best.
There was a photo of the Arundel Tomb in Chichester Cathedral in Saturday's Guardian Review.
Here's the wonderful Philip Larkin poem that immortalised it (or perhaps added to its immortality): Here's audio of Philip Larkin reading the poem with a brief line of explanation at the start (YouTube is so good).
Here's a plaque about the poem:
And below is my own photo of the tomb but I recommend reading the poem first and imagining the tomb:
My mobile was one of those Motorola flip open ones that everyone had - the Razr V3 I think. The camera on it was pretty bad but I liked it. This is a blog of some of the photos I took on it, of London where I live and some other places I've been.
For a while I replaced my phone with identical models bought on eBay so I could keep this blog going. Then I tired of that and moved on to a phone with a decent camera. So this blog will end on November 23rd 2009 once I've posted all the vaguely interesting photos I have stored up.
Have a look through the archive below, if you like shop fronts, gas towers, tower blocks, building sites, atriums and such like, and have nothing better to do.