The old G-Mex Centre, now called Manchester Central, and 1 Deansgate in the distance.

The Bridgewater Hall

Albert Square and the Town Hall

Once The Great Northern Railway Company's Goods Warehouse, now a car park and some restaurants. It's a shame they don't write the function of buildings in brick anymore when they're building them.

Redevelopment in Piccadilly:

and here's what office blocks looked like before redevelopment came to town:

Discoteque Royale - not as salubrious inside as out:

Oxford Road:

Oxford Road at night:

New flats on Oxford Road. The centre of Manchester has undergone an incredible amount of revelopment in the past 15 years:

a canal viewed from Oxford Road. The industrial revolution started on a canal in Salford, right?

Three shots of the Central Library:

Two of the Midland Hotel:

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